Can I just tell you? This was the cutest thing.
Out of 26 photos, I narrowed it down to 12. I couldn't cut more than that.
By way of background, E has been wanting to shave least this long ago. J said he could shave once he turned 14. We got him a razor (and I made a razor cake) for his birthday. Then J so casually says, "I'm going to go shave," and gives E the nod.
This one is so good. He looks like such a proud MAN.
I love how they kept checking in on each other.
I wish you could've felt the vibe in the room. It was excitement, but it was Wells boys' excitement, which is more like...contained wonder. Like if they show their full hand they might explode, so it just beams right under the surface.
This one.
It's too bad firsts only happen once. Now I have to wait five years for Alex's turn!