Last Christmas, it came to be that Ethen wanted to start shaving his face. His peach fuzz was noticeably darker (and noticeably dark), AND...wait for it...he had chin hairs. Three of them.
Jason begrudgingly agreed to let him shave - once he turned fourteen years old, approximately seven months later.
Fast-forward seven months to J and I brainstorming a shape for E's birthday cake.*
Jason said, "Do you think it would be mean or funny to make him a cake in the shape of a razor?"
Uhhh, hilarious. So long as you let him shave.
E had a light bulb moment when he opened the razor. "It looks just like the cake!"
And J did let him shave. : )
*Our other birthday cakes: Alex's army tank, Ethen's baseball stadium, J's motorcycle, Alex's army fort, and J's plain Jane.