In the living room/kitchen with the family:
- Let him play his own music (the clean versions, of course).
- Glance, don't look, and smile. But a small smile, like the kind of smile you give when Alex pronounces it "mininnilem."
- Ask what he has that he'd pick for you. Ariana Grande. And then turn it up. UP. And twirl.
- Get him to show you "that one new dance." Move the coffee table if you need to.
- Give his little brother a few head nods to invite him to join the party whenever he's ready.
- Whoop and holler when his dad busts out with the sprinkler, the cabbage patch kid, and the you'd-better-watch-this-hand.
- DON'T take pictures. : )
When he thinks no one is watching:
- Show him a mirror. ; )
When he knows everyone is watching:
Okay, he got a hit. Cool.
What?! He's not stopping at second?!?!
Get down, baby, get down!!
- Wait for him to hit a TRIPLE during a baseball tournament in which his team will go on to win first place.
So, this breaks the first rule, but in my defense, he was dancing on a baseball field. Pictures are fair game. Ha, punny!!