Alex's birthday was this week! I'm really digging the tradtion of homemade theme cakes. The boys anticipate them. : )
Alex asked for an army fort cake with camo icing just like last year (which translates to army green). The only problem was...what does an army fort look like to a 9 year old? And how does that fit in with a cake??
J helped a lot with the positioning of barricades, men, and equipment. J vetoed the helicopter on TOP of the fort and the rocket-launcher guy, because, you know, it has to be realistic.
J had the idea to "reveal" the cake to Al once we were done that night rather than try to keep it hidden until family celebrated with us the next day. That way, I could get genuine reaction photos instead of next-day cheesy smiles. We moved it from the kitchen counter to the table when Al was in the shower.
So...what does an army fort look like to a 9 year old? Apparently this one passes muster.
Happy birthday, Al!!!!