Last weekend, I visited my grandmother who I hadn't seen in 8 years. We had a few things to catch up on.
We talked and talked and talked and talked and ate and talked and talked and talked. I laughed to myself because the only time that it was quiet was when we were eating.
Of all of the waking hours, probably one-third of if was spent talking about Jason and the boys. I told stories. I showed pictures. I read texts.
Consequently, I came back smitten. It was like I had fallen head-over-heels in love with J all over again.
I'm (still) reading The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman. Gottman talks about the importance of a couple's love map, which is basically how well you know each other. Every time you talk dotingly of your history (i.e. telling the story of your first Thanksgiving), you strengthen your love map because you're recalling those joys. (By the way, this is why your significant other doesn't want you reminiscing with your ex!)
A whole weekend of gabbing made for quite a love map!
J and I do this on a smaller scale all the time. We relive moments to each other. He'll text me: "It really meant a lot last night for you to prompt and engage the math subject...thank you." Or I'll tell him: "Ha, I was just thinking about the first time I came to your house, and when I finally got there, you were standing in the middle of the street, still on your cell phone, waving to me? How sweet was that??" Or he'll email me: "There's nothing like walking around HEB while you gather things for a real list,, while I aimlessly follow trying to find some significant need but only coming up with ice cream and cheesecake and steaks..." Or I'll text him: "That was a great lunch chat...I miss you already."
Smitten kitten.