I love LOVE Stephanie's blog. When I read her post today, it was like she pulled it straight out of my journal.
So here's her post, and here's to feeling being pretty.
Last week when I was traveling home from CHA I had a four hour layover in Chicago.
I found this on a mirror in the ladies room and I had to snap a photo.
Who knew an airport bathroom could be so deep?
Isn't that the truth?
You know what's funny? I am so hard on myself. Why do I allow myself to speak to me that way?
I wouldn't take it from friends. Jimmy would never speak to me that way.
So why is it okay for me to tear myself down? To have unrealistic expectations for myself?
It's not okay. And something I've struggled with my entire life. I used to have the worst self-confidence ever. And it's gotten SO much better over the years.
But it's always a work in progress. Being kind to myself. Being gentle. Encouraging myself. Not expecting myself to be perfect.
Seeing the real me in the mirror. The one who is perfectly imperfect just the way she is.
Learning to laugh at myself and not take myself so seriously.
Remembering that I only get to do this once and I want to do it right.
That's my lifelong challenge.
I constantly strive to teach my daughters to love and accept themselves. And I'm teaching myself at the same time.
Sometimes it just takes a bathroom mirror to give me that gentle reminder. :)
Who would have thunk it?