About a week and a half ago, Dave told me that Lady Antebellum was going on tour and guess who’s opening for them? I correctly guessed Josh Kelley! (Josh is brothers with one of the guys in the band.) We said that that would be a great concert to go to, and that was that (apologies for the overuse of “that”).
After all, Lady Antebellum is a roadtrip staple.
Well, Dave and I fell in love to Josh Kelley. That’s not actually true because we were in love before we/Dave discovered Josh, but it was the soundtrack to that summer, that summer that was just…magical. [Please settle in for a story.]
Summer of 2003, Dave and I had been dating for about 10 months. I took classes at Baylor in the first session. Dave was in Milwaukee painting fire hydrants for the city for the second year in a row. It was awful in that someone-just-ran-over-my-lovestruck-puppy kind of way. In fact, a few days after Dave left, I put on a brave face and walked over to his apartment to get something. As soon as I walked into his room, I started to cry. Matt (his roommate) looked at me like, “I don’t know what to do with a crying girl – please stop.” I had applied for several summer jobs, but no one wanted summer-only work. My roommate and I were driving each other crazy from being together too long, and I didn’t want to go back home for the second half of the summer. I was anxious and antsy and angry – just awful.
Then Dave asked if I wanted to come to Milwaukee for the second half of the summer to live with him and his parents. A hop, skip, and a plane ride, and I was there. I have rose-colored glasses for the rest of my summer memories.
Dave taught me how to drive a stick-shift that summer. We spent hours and hours in the Brewers parking lot with the windows down and the sun roof open, Josh playing in the background. And then we would end the night dancing in the empty parking lot, and sometimes Dave would dip his head down and softly sing along:
I said baby
You’re ama-zi-ing
I wa-a-ant to let you se-ee
You are everything and more
To me
I will let you be
I will
I will
And he would always change the words in “Angeles” (as in Los Angeles) to “Angela’s”:
Going out to Angela’s
Keep me restless for the days
And there was more – eating home-cooked dinners on the back porch, going to fairs and festivals and concerts, becoming friends with his friends, learning to scrapbook at the dining room table, and driving all over town, across the state, and across the country. And laughing. And smiling. And being really happy.
There were some other things that happened that summer that were struggles, but for me, it will always go down as the summer Dave and I fell in love (even though we were already in love). And I can’t listen to Josh Kelley without getting a warm feeling in my chest.
Fast-forward to last Thursday when I found out that Josh Kelley was going to be playing in Waco at the Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo on Saturday night.
It was an awesome concert. The weather was perfect. The band sounded great. Josh was funny and warm and a little sentimental and so so talented. I was literally standing against the front rail the whole show. I couldn’t stop dancing. And guess what he played towards the end?
I said baby
You’re ama-zi-ing
I wa-a-ant to let you se-ee
You are everything and more
To me
I will let you be
I will
I will
If Dave would have leaned up and started singing in my ear, I would have bawled like a baby. : )
And then, the bass player (who I had been making eyes at during the whole concert) started throwing picks right to me (Dave nabbed one for me). AND THEN, he gave me his set list!
It took a few minutes for me to stop jumping and calm down enough for a photo. Dave kept telling me to not smile so big – as if I could help it.
This is the most excited I’ve been all year. I mean, amazing. Just amazing.
Thanks to Dave for taking most of the photos so I could enjoy the concert.
Oh, did I mention that that summer ended with a proposal? : )