So one of my friends and I entertain each other via email while we're at our respective jobs. I thought this conversation was worth sharing. We started with emailing and then switched over to texting (which is not subject to Big Brother).
[her first email] subject: I might get fired...
I’m watching Bones on Netflix from my iPod. While pretending to work on financial Statements…
[my reply email] The funniest thing is that you emailed me that from your work* account.
[her reply email] Oh crap! I’m stopping now. Watching the show…not emailing you.
[my reply email] lol
[her text] I didn't really quit watching. That was just in case someone really does read my emails.
[her reply email] If you are checking up on my email account…I was just kidding earlier about watching a TV show at work. I repeat JUST KIDDING!! : )
[my reply email] LOL!!! The subject of the email might tip off your IT department, too…
You are hilarious, joking around about NOT working. You’re the hardest worker I know! People here STILL talk about how much it sucked to lose you! What a bizarre sense of humor you have. Anyone who knows you would never believe that you were slacking off, especially considering your love of financial statements!
[her reply text] Haha. Nice one on the hard worker crap! I think they will be fooled! Suckers!
[my new email] subject: diligently working
So what episode are you on?
*Parts of the above dialogue were edited to protect the guilty, including the name of my friend and her employer. So, I can't tell you who she is, but I can't be blamed if you recognizer her. ; )
Have a great weekend.
And don't forget that Tax Day is Monday.