This is my one-time disclaimer stating now that my overtime season at work is in full swing, my blogging during the next two months will probably be uninspired and sporadic at best. It's hard to be clever after I've been staring at itemized deductions and working trial balances for eleven hours. I have a friend who's so busy and works such long hours that she only paints her first three toenails because that's all that show through the peep-toed shoes she wears to work. That's kind of how I feel, except I'm going to skip the polish all together and vege (yes, that's how you spell it - I looked it up) on the couch instead while my eyes glaze over to a rerun of Veronica Mars. In short, I'm lowering the bar.
Our house has been a whirlwind this last week! Twelve chocolate truffles, eleven enchiladas, ten degree weather, eight cold medicines, seven birthday cards, six grocery runs, five movies, four parents, three birthday dinners, two pedicures, and a partridge in a pear tree. Oh, and my birthday was in there, too. ; )
My mother-in-law took these last Sunday at San Antonio grandma's house. They're going on a scrapbook page for sure.
Stay tuned for a few birthday related posts.
Night night.